Monday, April 30, 2012

How to earn Money from Google Adsense

Making money online at home has become a need especially in countries where people have been not provided enough job opportunities. Shortage of jobs leads the people especially youth to go for alternative methods of earning money at home. Google provides employment to those people through its Adsense program. It is not so to just connect to internet and start earning money right away but it needs little patience ,skill ,knowledge and techniques. This education is not taught in schools, colleges and universities that how will you earn money from Google adsense but people have to learn from internet and friends to make money on internet.
Earn money with Google adsense
Many people desperately looking and searching for approval of Google adsense account. I don’t know to how much extent this post will help but definitely beginners would get help and guidance.
Many websites are claiming for Google adsense in Urdu training or in native languages of many countries but in fact they themselves are making money by misleading you.But beware of Google adsense scams and frauds so that you do not lose money instead of earning it otherwise I would be laughing at You.

Googleadsense earnings are multiplied once you start earning at home through your account. As we are humans and need little guidance and instruction in every work we start. So we need Google adsense tutorials for properly executing it.

So right away we start how to earn money at home using Google adsense.

How to Get Google adsense Account Approved?

Make money online
  • You must have a website or blogger to get your Google adsense account approved easily.If  not then right now go for the cheaper option and start blogging now Google blogger ,wordpress or hubpages or squiddo. If you can afford, buy your own top level domain that would be basically a web or internet space to display Google ads and earn money from it. Your website must be registered in your name and give your address and contact details. This will be helpful later on.
  • Next step is to optimize your blogger or website for search engines .Purpose is to make search engines look at your webpage and show to other people who search. This is not easy to do. You have to do many things to accomplish Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
  • Now wait for few months ( at least 6 months in Pakistan & China).Google has imposed this condition for opening of new accounts in this part of world. This is very painful but what to do we have to wait .In this period try to add more SEO based contents to your website or blogger. Use various tools to add relevant keywords in your posts and pages. Google adwords really helps in this matter. Simple Google page also helps .see right here. Try to build some backlinks for your website and increase web traffic to your web pages. You can hire SEO experts for this.
  • Make sure that your WebPages look neat and clean, good navigation ,sitemap and contents. Do not worry if you have already hired the services of SEO experts in above step .He will take care of all these things. You must have above 350 unique visitors daily. Try to adopt the method by which you would get traffic from search engines .Traffic from social website will not help you for Googleadsense account.
  • Have a look at all the terms and conditions of Google for opening of new accounts and make sure that you already fulfilled all those. You are about to start your earnings at home using Google adsense.
  • Now apply for Google adsense account directly not through any third party website or forum otherwise Google may reject you for ever. Fill in the necessary and correct details. I hope If you have done all above steps truly then you are likely to get your Google adsense account in few hours.
I hope you get the above whole procedure for opening of account.

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